Wednesday 19 February 2014


I feel like we’re in limbo at the moment. We talk constantly about our plans to buy land and becoming more self sustainable – believe me, there may not be a lot happening with the blog, but we are full steam ahead with planning – but, until we get enough finances together, we can’t actually start gathering materials and mapping out a specific plan for our land. Oh, and we still have to buy the site, so that’s a pretty major part of the plan that’s still in “discussion” stage. We are so eager to get started, it can feel pretty frustrating sometimes not being able to just go and do. We are trying our best to prepare for our future (real) lives though and over the past few years, I've had a list of skills (that I add to on a weekly basis) that I am trying to get to grips with so when we do buy our land, it will (hopefully!) be a more organic transition from consumers to off gridders.

Site on the West Coast of Ireland that we're very interested in!
I've also acquired a range of books which covers everything to do with homesteading – i.e. bee keeping, preserving meat and fish, making candles, raising barns etc – to books on yurt building, permaculture practices, Lloyd Khan books Tiny Homes and Shelter – on a side note, what a pity (shame, travesty!) the UK and Ireland have different laws from the US on planning permission for tiny homes – in the UK/Ireland, no matter what size the building is, if you intend on using it to live in, you must have planning permission. In the US, you can build up to a certain size (depending on the State) without having to gain planning permission first, very handy! I have general books on preserving food, from fruit and vegetables, to meat and fish and anything else I could possibly get my sticky little fingers on. I have books on tree houses and simple shelters as well as self sufficiency and allotment gardening - which are fantastic for making month to month plans for seedlings and planting out. And a selection of books on traditional methods of cooking and preserving food. These books are my bibles, and I spend a lot of my spare time reading and trying to absorb as much information as possible...

Things I want/need to learn....this list is finite, so these are just the more immediate things I think I need to learn

Building skills
How to make a green roof
Straw bale building
How to can fruit and vegetables
Smoking meat and fish
Making sausages, preserving hams
How to make hard cheese
How to kill and butcher a chicken
How to butcher a sheep/pig/goat
Bee keeping

Things I/we've done over the past few years


Sourdough bread making
Mozzarella & Camembert cheese making
Fermented foods – preserving vegetables
Permaculture Design Course

Reiki One – this obviously isn't directly linked to becoming self sufficient, but I loved this course and occasionally practice on M and myself, I find it’s a good way of meditating while realigning and energising chakras

Things I’ve made at home

Strawberry jam
Fig, vanilla bean and ginger preserve
Blackberry & pinot noir jam – from foraged blackberries
Pumpkin (galeuse d’eysines) and orange marmalade – this is probably my favourite so far!
Green tomato chutney
Cherry tomato and ginger chutney
Sourdough bread – still a work in progress maintaining a good starter
Duck confit – very easy, just space consuming, but well worth the effort!
Traditional Irish Christmas pudding

Sloe gin –maturing until December 2014 - we have “sampled” this several times and it is divine, but absolute rocket fuel!
Sloe port – made from the gin soaked sloes, we gave bottles of this to our parents as part of their Christmas present and it went down very well. A small nip is plenty to warm your cockles...and everything else!

Gardening ...on-going but getting better each season! This year, we’re hoping to get a (decent) crop of onions, potatoes, carrots, peas, tomatoes, garlic as our basics, and all sorts of other squashes, pumpkin, sweet peppers and soft fruits to go with them – updates on the raised beds and new additions to the garden shortly!

We spend our weekends doing projects around the house and garden. Most recently, M has almost finished an extension which leads out of the kitchen into the garden; which he’s built from windows and timber we liberated from local skips.  We had a fantastic haul last weekend of old bricks from a skip down the street. It took three trips up and back to get all the bricks, but it was well worth it, and M used the bricks to create a beautiful paved area inside the back extension.

Extension - work in progress - we rescued the blue and yellow stained glass windows (bottom left) from a skip a few months ago, the owners told us we were welcome to help ourselves as they were getting new PVC windows fitted

Between work and travel to and from work, we spend roughly 50 hours out of the house a week; if we could find a way to instead, dedicate that time to building sustainable lives and running our eco/yurt/renewable living center, that would be the dream!

We have the will, now we just need to find a way...

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Cloud Appreciation Society

Cloud Appreciation Society Manifesto

WE BELIEVE that clouds are unjustly maligned
and that life would be immeasurably poorer without them.

We think that they are Nature’s poetry, 
and the most egalitarian of her displays, since
everyone can have a fantastic view of them.

We pledge to fight ‘blue-sky thinking’ wherever we find it. 
Life would be dull if we had to look up at
cloudless monotony day after day.

We seek to remind people that clouds are expressions of the 
atmosphere’s moods, and can be read like those of
a person’s countenance.

Clouds are so commonplace that their beauty is often overlooked. 
They are for dreamers and their contemplation benefits the soul.
Indeed, all who consider the shapes they see in them will save
on psychoanalysis bills.

And so we say to all who’ll listen:
Look up, marvel at the ephemeral beauty, and live life with your head in the clouds!

These photos were taken on my walk from London Bridge to work this morning, I haven't used any special effects or filters, the natural range of colours today was spectacular! 

I was looking at the sun rise and cloud formations on my train journey into London Bridge, I didn't "catch" the cloud I'd been admiring but got this shot instead. 

Pink haze cloud over Princes Street

Jet Stream London Wall

Rain Clouds gathering over the Gherkin this morning

Monday 3 February 2014

Perth Tales....A verge collection, a new (old) coffee table and a HUGE spider

April 2011

When we were living in Perth a few years ago, we used to take a trip around our neighbourhood every few months before the verge collection and see if there were any bits being left out that we could use in our little (already oddly) furnished rental. We collected all sorts of handy items, from a pale pink leather recliner chair (well worn but very comfortable) to crockery (which we soaked in bleach and boiling water before using) and we rescued a lovely coffee table that had been left in the sun too long and had gone almost completely white. 

The photo below isn't very clear, but that's M standing by the verge where we found the table, just in front of the biggest spider web I have ever seen. 

The web stretched between the two lemon trees, with multiple layers of web and a trail of dead wasps behind the spider

I spotted the table from across the road and ran straight over to take a look. I'd just bent down and was leaning in to take a closer look at the state of the table top, when M said, very calmly and quietly, "Claire, don't stand up, but there is a huge spider over your head...." My skin was already crawling as I twisted around carefully to see where the beastie was and because I was so close, I couldn't actually see the web at first, just the spider dangling about 2 feet away from my head! I gasped as quietly as possible and pretzeled myself backwards so fast to get out from under the spider, then did a little dance while wringing my hands in the middle of the road...half convinced the spider had somehow gotten onto me.

The Spider, with a convenient dead wasp to show scale

We're pretty sure she's a Golden Orb Spider - which as it turns out, aren't deadly. The effects of a bite are nausea and dizziness and thankfully, they're usually reluctant to bite humans

Close up of some of the spider web, we didn't touch it of course, but it looked really strong and quite tough

So after all the excitement of nearly getting eaten by a spider...ahem...we carefully took a look at the table and realised it was actually a really nice solid piece of furniture, slide it out from under the web and carried it home. Then we returned later that afternoon to photograph the fabulous - just don't let it touch me - spider

Work in progress in our back yard - M had already started to sand the table and the grain was starting to come through  the white sun bleached varnish

Finished sanding, now for the varnish

M spent about three evenings sanding the table (I sanded some of the legs and the sides) and once we'd sanded all the white varnish away and the grain was clearly showing, it was time to re varnish it. That took another two evenings and a few coats of varnish so it would be properly protected. I loved how much the table changed over the space of a week from a white, sun damaged piece of indeterminate wood, to a beautiful, detailed - albeit still indeterminate - coffee table.

Detail on the legs of the table - I loved how a natural ying and yang shape emerged through the grain 

Close up of the table top - this had been almost completely white from all the old varnish and resin baking in the sun

The finished table
If you're not familiar with verge collections; they used to happen every 4 months or so while we were living in Perth. We'd get a notice from the local council advising of the date and people would start to leave their old furniture, white goods, bikes and general oddments on the verge - the grassy patch in front of the house - in the week before the collection and we - as well as other groups of optimistic upcyclers - would wander around and collect any bits and pieces that looked reusable or interesting. Our little town house was already furnished, but sparsely, with an odd mix of tables, chairs and side units and we added our loot to what we realised must have been previous tenants spoils from verge collections past.

There was something similar in Barcelona when I lived there a few years ago and it was always a thrill to find a handy side table or in my flatmate's case, a fabulous dark wood wardrobe with beautiful carved doors that had to be carried, dragged and pulled up five flights of narrow stairs to get to our apartment on the top floor. And was it worth it? Definitely!